North Carolina

Voter ID in North Carolina


What is your plan for voting?

Voter ID rules are different based on whether you vote by absentee ballot or in person.



Voting by Absentee Ballot

Any registered North Carolinian can choose to vote using an absentee ballot. You don’t have to give a reason for not voting in person.

If you are blind or visually impaired, you can request to use the state’s online balloting tool.


Requesting Your Ballot

You have to apply to receive an absentee ballot. If you need assistance, another person can help fill out the application.

You can request your ballot online or send a completed application by mail.

If you have visual disabilities, you can ask to get an accessible absentee ballot sent by email.

Make sure to mark on your application that you need an accessible ballot due to visual impairment. The portal is accessible to screen readers and lets you use a digital or typed signature. 

If you have a disability or illness that is expected to last for the rest of the year, you can ask to have absentee ballots sent to you for all of the year’s elections. 

Application Info

You need to give one of these numbers when you apply:

  • North Carolina driver’s license or ID number
  • Last four digits of your Social Security number.


Returning Your Ballot by Mail 

You have to include a copy of an acceptable ID inside the “photo ID envelope” when you return your completed ballot.

You can one of these IDs if it is unexpired or expired less than a year. Your ID can be expired for longer if you are 65 or older:

  • North Carolina driver’s license or ID 
  • US passport or passport card 
  • North Carolina voter ID card from your County Board of Elections
  • Student ID approved by the North Carolina Board of Elections (Check the list here!)
  • Government employee ID approved by the North Carolina Board of Elections (Check the list here!)
  • Out-of-state driver’s license or ID card (only for use by voters who have registered to vote in North Carolina within 90 days of an election)

You can use these IDs even if they do not have an issuance or expiration date: 

  • Military ID
  • Veterans ID from the US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Tribal enrollment card


Some people don’t need an ID in North Carolina. Exceptions include voters who have a disability or illness.

If you fit an exception, you can return your ballot without a copy of ID.

Instead, you should complete an exception form and include that with your ballot. Make sure to mark “Disability or illness” as a reason you are unable to get an ID. 

If you have the right ID but can’t get a copy of it, you can also include ID exception form with your ballot.


Returning Your Ballot Online

When you vote electronically, you need two people to be with you. They’ll be your witnesses.

After you vote, you must sign the voter certification using your finger, a mouse, or a stylus. If you can’t sign, you can type your name instead.

Your witnesses must also sign and provide their information. If someone helps you vote, they need to sign too. The person who helps can also be one of your witnesses.

If your witness or helper can’t sign because they are blind or visually impaired, they can type their name instead.

You don’t have to send any ID with your online ballot.



Voting in Person

You can vote with a regular ballot if you show one of the IDs listed below. If you don’t have an acceptable ID, you can still vote by signing and completing an exception form.

You can one of these IDs if it is unexpired or expired less than a year. Your ID can be expired for longer if you are 65 or older:

  • North Carolina driver’s license or ID 
  • US passport or passport card 
  • North Carolina voter ID card from your County Board of Elections
  • Student ID approved by the North Carolina Board of Elections (Check the list here!)
  • Government employee ID approved by the North Carolina Board of Elections (Check the list here!)
  • Out-of-state driver’s license or ID card (only for use by voters who have registered to vote in North Carolina within 90 days of an election)

You can use these IDs even if they do not have an issuance or expiration date: 

  • Military ID
  • Veterans ID from the US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Tribal enrollment card


Some people don’t need an ID in North Carolina. Exceptions include:

  • Disability or illness
  • Lack or transportation
  • Lack of the documents that you need to get ID
  • Lost or stolen ID

If you fit an exception, you can vote without a photo ID if you complete and sign an exception form. You will be able mark “Disability or illness” on the form as a reason you can’t get an ID. 



Page Updated: August 2023