
Voter ID in Tennessee


What is your plan for voting?

Voter ID rules are different based on whether you vote by absentee ballot or in person.



Voting by Absentee Ballot

You can vote using an absentee ballot if:

  • You are a registered voter in Tennessee
  • You can’t go to your polling place for a valid reason, like being sick or having a physical disability.

Valid reasons include:

  • Being sick
  • Having a physical disability
  • Being hospitalized
  • Taking care of someone who is hospitalized, sick or physically disabled
  • Living in a licensed care facility that is not the same county where you are a resident


Requesting Your Ballot

You have to apply with your county clerk to receive an absentee ballot. If you need assistance, another person can help fill out the application.

You don’t have to include ID with your application.

Returning Your Ballot

You don’t have to include ID when returning your completed ballot.

Tennessee does not allow you to return your ballot electronically.



Voting in Person

You must show a photo ID to vote in Tennessee.

You can use one of these photo IDs if it has your name:

  • Tennessee driver’s license or ID
  • US Passport
  • ID issued by Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
  • ID issued by US or Tennessee government
  • Military ID
  • Handgun permit issued by Tennessee

Even if these IDs are expired, they’re still okay to use.


Some people don’t have to show a photo ID in Indiana. Exceptions to the law include:

  • If you live in a licensed nursing home or assisted living center where you vote.
  • If you’re in the hospital.
  • If you can’t pay for the papers needed for a photo ID.

If you fit one of these exceptions, you can vote without a photo ID. You just need to sign a form that confirms who you are (it’s called an affidavit).




Page Updated: August 2023