
Alabama asks you to show photo ID to vote in person. 

You must provide a copy of an accepted photo ID when you apply for an absentee ballot.

Alabama ID Requirements for Voting In Person

Alabama requests photo ID to vote in person. You can vote without an ID if two election officials confirm your identity.

Accepted Photo IDs

Most people show:
Can be expired less than 60 days

  • Alabama driver’s license
  • Alabama state ID card

You can also show: 
Must be unexpired 

  • Alabama Voter ID card 
  • Photo ID issued by US government or any state
  • US passport or passport card 
  • Military or veteran identification 
  • Tribal identification 
  • Student or employee ID issued by Alabama higher education institution 
  • Employee ID issued by US, Alabama, or local government


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Frequently Asked Questions

Alabama issues a free Voter ID card that can be used to vote if you do not have another accepted form of ID. This ID is only intended for voting.

You can get an Alabama Voter ID card from the Secretary of State’s office, your county Board of Registrars office, or a “mobile ID” unit. Find a location near you.

You will be required to provide documentation of:

  • Legal name (including documentation of any changes)
  • Date of Birth
  • Alabama voter registration (can be electronically verified by office)
  • Name and address that matches your vote registration record (can be electronically verified by office)

Common examples include your: birth certificate, marriage certificate, Medicaid or Medicare documents, official school record or transcript, Certificate of Citizenship, or hospital records.


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Alabama voters who do not present an accepted photo ID at the polls have two options:

1️⃣ Two Election Officials Confirm Identity

You can vote without a photo ID if two election officials sign a statement confirming your identity. 

2️⃣ Vote a Provisional Ballot and Return with ID 

Vote a provisional ballot if you are not able to present ID or confirm your identity. Provisional ballots make sure eligible voters are not rejected at the polls.

For your provisional ballot to count, you must:

  • Complete and sign a provisional verification statement at the polls 
  • Submit an accepted form of photo ID to your county board of registrar’s office by 5pm on the Friday after the election. Find your local office.

If you do not have an accepted photo ID, you can get a free Alabama voter photo ID card. Check the FAQ above “How can I get a free ID to vote in Alabama?” for more info.


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You must present a physical ID to vote in Alabama. You cannot use an image, copy, or digital ID when you are voting in person.


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You do not need a “REAL ID” to vote in Alabama.

REAL ID is a set of national security standards for states to follow when they issue driver’s licenses and state ID cards. Your ID will show a star if it meets REAL ID standards.

Applying for a REAL ID requires you to appear in person with a variety of documents to prove your identity.

Visit the ALEA website to find out exactly what is required to get a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or state ID card (called a STAR ID in Alabama).


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Alabama ID Requirements for Voting By Mail

Absentee ballots in Alabama are only for some voters. 

Reasons you can vote by absentee ballot include:

  • Not being in your county on Election Day
  • Physical disability or illness
  • Work schedule (at least 10 hours) that conflicts with polling hours on Election Day

Check the FAQ “Who can vote absentee in Alabama?” below for the full list of reasons accepted by the state. 

Requesting an Absentee Ballot

You can request an absentee ballot by contacting your county’s Absentee Election Manager.

You must provide a copy of photo ID with your application. You can use any of the photo IDs that are accepted to vote in person.

Returning an Absentee Ballot

You do not need to include ID with your completed ballot. However, your absentee ballot must be notarized or signed by two adult witnesses for it to be counted. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

In Alabama, you have to give a specific reason for voting by absentee ballot.

The following reasons are accepted:

  • Not being in your county on Election Day
  • Physical disability or illness
  • Being age 65 or older
  • Caring for a family member who can’t leave home
  • Working as an election officer or poll watcher somewhere else
  • Work schedule (at least 10 hours) that conflicts with polling hours on Election Day
  • In prison or jail but qualified to vote

Request your absentee ballot by contacting your county’s Absentee Election Manager.


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Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

There is no process to “cure” (fix) your absentee ballot if it is rejected.