
Kentucky asks you to show photo ID to vote in person. 

You must provide a copy of an accepted photo ID when you apply for an absentee ballot.


Kentucky ID Requirements for Voting In Person

Kentucky requests photo ID to vote in person. You can vote without a photo ID if you sign a Voter Affirmation form and present a supporting form of ID. 

Accepted Photo IDs

Show one of these photo IDs to vote a regular ballot: 

  • ID issued by United States, Kentucky, or local government
  • Student ID issued by higher education institution located in United States
  • Military identification issued by Kentucky National Guard, US Military, or Merchant Marines 

Reasonable Impediment

If you do not have one of the photo IDs listed above, you can still cast a regular ballot if you qualify for a reasonable impediment exception.

A “reasonable impediment” is something you can’t control that stops you from getting an accepted photo ID. 

Kentucky accepts the following reasons:

  • lack of transportation
  • lack of birth certificate (or other necessary documents)
  • conflict with your work schedule
  • photo ID was lost or stolen
  • disability or illness
  • family responsibilities
  • applied for photo ID but haven’t received it
  • religious objection to being photographed

You must:

1️⃣ Present one supporting form of ID:

  • Social Security card
  • ID issued by Kentucky county and approved by State Board of Elections
  • Other ID with your name and photo
  • EBT, food stamps, or SNAP card issued by Kentucky
  • Credit or debit card

2️⃣ Ask to complete and sign a Voter Affirmation form.

Check the FAQ below “What if I don’t have the right ID to vote in Kentucky?” for more info.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Kentucky voters who do not present an accepted photo ID at the polls have three options:

1️⃣ Qualify for a Reasonable Impediment Exception

This option is for voters who don’t have and can’t reasonably get an accepted form of photo ID:

  • Bring a supporting ID with you
  • Tell the poll worker that you don’t have a photo ID and could not get one
  • Complete and sign a Voter Affirmation form
  • Vote a regular ballot

A “reasonable impediment” is something you can’t control that stops you from getting an accepted photo ID.

Kentucky accepts the following reasons:

  • lack of transportation
  • lack of birth certificate (or other necessary documents)
  • conflict with your work schedule
  • photo ID was lost or stolen
  • disability or illness
  • family responsibilities
  • applied for photo ID but haven’t received it
  • religious objection to being photographed

2️⃣ Election Official Confirms Identity

Your identity can be confirmed by personal acquaintance with an election official. They must sign an affirmation verifying your identity.

3️⃣ Vote a Provisional Ballot for Federal Offices

If you can’t present an accepted ID or confirm your identity another way, you can cast a provisional ballot for any federal office on the ballot. Provisional ballots make sure eligible voters are not rejected at the polls.

You must sign an affirmation that you are registered and eligible to vote.


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You must present a physical ID to vote in Kentucky. You cannot use an image, copy, or digital ID when you are voting in person.


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Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

You do not need a “REAL ID” to vote in Kentucky.

REAL ID is a set of national security standards for states to follow when they issue driver’s licenses and state ID cards. Your ID will show a star if it meets REAL ID standards.

Applying for a REAL ID requires you to appear in person with a variety of documents to prove your identity.

Visit the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet website to find out exactly what is required to get a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or state ID card.


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Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

Kentucky ID Requirements for Voting By Mail

Absentee ballots in Kentucky are only for some voters. 

Reasons you can vote by absentee ballot include:

  • Temporarily living outside of Kentucky
  • Disability or illness
  • Living away from your county due to school

Check the FAQ “Who can vote absentee in Kentucky?” below for the full list of reasons accepted by the state. 

Requesting an Absentee Ballot

You can request an absentee ballot using Kentucky’s online portal.

You must provide a copy of photo ID with your application. You can use any of the photo IDs that are accepted to vote in person.

Returning an Absentee Ballot

You do not need to include ID with your completed ballot. The signature on your ballot envelope will be compared to the one on file with the state.


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Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Kentucky, you have to give a specific reason for voting by absentee ballot.

The following reasons are accepted:

  • You are temporarily living out of state but still eligible to vote in Kentucky.
  • You are a student temporarily residing outside their county.
  • You are incarcerated but not yet convicted of a crime.
  • You can’t vote in person on Election Day or during early voting due to your work location.
  • You aren’t able to vote in person due to age, illness, or disability.
  • You are serving in the military (including spouse and dependents) or living overseas.
  • You move to a different state after the voter registration deadline (only allowed to vote for President and Vice President).
  • You are participating in the Secretary of State’s crime victim address confidentiality protection program.

Request your absentee ballot using the state’s online portal.


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Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.

You must be notified if your ballot is missing your signature or if the signature on it does not match your signature in state records.

You can correct issues with your ballot if you are able to resubmit it before polls close on Election Day.


VoteRiders is here to help! 
Contact us if you have questions or need free help getting ID.