Voter ID Help On Demand
The midterm elections in 2022 brought VoteRiders an avalanche of calls, chats, emails, and texts from voters who were confused about voter ID laws or needed help getting an ID.
In 2022, the VoteRiders Helpline and Chatbot assisted 6,357 voters compared to 1,330 the previous year (a 378% increase). During the 2022 midterm elections specifically, VoteRiders provided over-the-phone and online assistance to 4,526 voters compared to 702 voters during the 2018 midterms – a 545% jump!
We’re gratified that so many citizens trusted VoteRiders enough to ask for our help in exercising their right to vote. Lauren Kunis, Executive Director of VoteRiders
“We’re gratified that so many citizens trusted VoteRiders enough to ask for our help in exercising their right to vote,” said Lauren Kunis, executive director of VoteRiders. “Responding to these voters took an army of volunteers, and hearing the stories behind these incredible numbers continually strengthens my faith in our mission.”
In addition to the outreach work VoteRiders field teams perform in key states, VoteRiders also supports voters across the country through a national Voter ID Helpline. Voters connect with us by phone, text, email, social, and web chats.
Since 2016, the VoteRiders Helpline and Chatbot have assisted thousands of voters with questions related to voter ID and help to get an ID. Our amazing volunteers work hard to quickly follow-up and provide individual attention to each voter’s need, as voters who reach out come with any combination of circumstances.
Voters find out about us in many ways, often through our partners. These national, state, and local partners distribute our flyers and Voter ID Information cards in their communities, work with us to create co-branded social media content to educate their audiences about voter ID laws, and organize opportunities for our team to provide voter ID assistance to local community members.
We also received referrals from 866-OUR-VOTE, the national election protection hotline, which cited “problems with voter ID” as among the most frequently-noted issues that voters faced this cycle according to their analysis of hotline calls throughout the year.
As we head toward 2024, VoteRiders is ready for even more growth. To prepare for our expanded presence in voter ID states across the country, VoteRiders will make its services even more accessible to voters in need through measures that include adding an option to reach us through WhatsApp, a new toll-free number that’s easier to remember: 866.ID.2.VOTE, and more volunteer opportunities.
Here are a few quotes from voters we’ve served through the Helpline and Chatbot:
– Wow! Thank you again for that golden nugget of info letting me know it may be possible to use my out-of-state driver’s license that is still valid! I appreciate your time and what your organization does!
– Can’t thank you enough for your quick response and great suggestions. Such an important election with democracy itself on the line, that I’d be mortified to miss it. Glad there’s people and organizations like yours that can help.
– Thank you for providing such a valuable service during these challenging times!… I sincerely appreciate your response, and I wish you all the very best!
Many of the citizens VoteRiders works with are people having a hard time making it through life. It’s important we make them feel comfortable and assure them they can trust us with their information and the sensitivities of their situation. We are especially sensitive to victims of abuse, individuals experiencing homelessness, returning citizens, and transgender voters. We always keep their information confidential and respect how they wish to be addressed.
And while most of our work is voter ID focused, we help to answer all of the voter questions that come our way. All year, our Helpline and Chatbot teams proudly stand by to help voters across the country with all kinds of voting-related issues. This includes how to register to vote, finding your polling place, and what to do if your dog eats your absentee ballot (true story!).
Here are a few quotes from Helpline volunteers:
My heart is full! My first two shifts have moved me to tears. What an incredible organization!
I cannot thank you and VoteRiders enough for giving me the opportunity to participate and feel like I did something. It was a gift in a time when so many aspects of life, for so many people, are so difficult. I truly thank you.
My 17 year old son would walk into our kitchen, see me pounding away on my computer and ask “Are you helping move the democratic process along mom?” Made me smile and tear up every time. If you are looking for volunteers to help keep things moving along, I’m in.
I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity, and feel proud to have been part of this operation. Voteriders has such amazing reach and impact, and it’s run so incredibly well. State of the art!
I’m not quite sure how I got so lucky this past September to be able to connect with you and the other VoteRiders folks. A lifesaver. The work you do is so special. I’ve been involved in politics a long time and worked with a lot of organizations in my day and can say unequivocally that you are a gift. From the first zoom training to the weeks that followed the grace and intellect with which you manage the subject matter and the myriad of volunteers has been a treat to watch. I really look forward to continuing my relationship with VoteRiders post-election. In the meantime, I remain on call to help in anyway.
I’m hooked. I loved doing this.
Thank you for the inspiration. VoteRiders helped a lot of voters, and it also helped a lot of volunteers. I long for the day when all people who want to vote can vote. easily. period. I look forward to continuing to help in whatever way I can.
VoteRiders depends on its volunteers to ensure that every American can cast a ballot that counts. Whether you’re interested in delivering important voter ID information and assistance to voters from the comfort of your home, or want to help VoteRiders staff with Voter ID Clinics on the ground, there are a variety of ways you can get involved and make an impact.
Make sure you stay up-to-date with our current volunteer opportunities and sign up to help us protect the right to vote.