Jessica Meza

NYU Democracy Project Fellow

Jessica Meza is a student at New York University studying for her MA in Media, Culture and Communication with a focus in media industries and political communications. Prior to joining VoteRiders as an NYU Leadership for Equity, Action, and Democracy Fellow (LEAD), Jessica worked as a Global Communications and Media Relations Intern at the Council on Foreign Relations. She has also worked at the NYU Center on International Cooperation as a Digital Communications and Events Fellow. Before moving to New York, Jessica was a marketing intern at the Oklahoma State University Health Access Network, where she helped launch a podcast, create social media strategies, and translate a website.  Jessica is passionate about digital communications and media as a way to promote topics in social advocacy and campaign for change. She is originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma and has a BA in Strategic Communications and Spanish from Oklahoma State University.


Contact Jessica Meza


Location: New York, NY