Voter ID Month of Action

Take Action with VoteRiders 

VoteRiders is turning 12 and our mission has never been more critical.

17 states added new or stricter voter ID requirements since 2020. That means voters will be facing more barriers and confusion in this consequential election year.

Join us for a month of action and help ensure that every voter has the right ID to cast a ballot that counts in 2024!



Volunteer with VoteRiders

We need your help to deliver essential information and assistance to millions of voters this year! Join us for a letter-writing party, become a member of our dedicated voter ID assistance team, or sign up to receive future volunteer opportunities.

Join a State Briefing

Dive deep into key states’ voter ID laws with VoteRiders coordinators and organizers:


Help Spread the Word

Make sure your friends, family, and followers are ready with the right ID! Share one of these posts to your social channels:

Stay Updated

Get the latest voter ID news, information, and action alerts:


Make a Gift

Donate and help power VoteRiders’ work in this critical election year! Your tax-deductible gift goes directly to helping voters who need ID.