Search Results for: voter id story

Voter ID Story: Patricia In Florida


By Jazlyn Gallego, VoteRiders’ Florida Voter ID Coalition Coordinator By the time I met Patricia White at a voter education forum in New Smyrna Beach, she had been trying to obtain a state ID for 10 months. Since moving to Florida from Pennsylvania, she had been repeatedly turned away from the DMV.…

Voter ID Story: Stephen and Mary Beth in Arizona


When Stephen and Mary Beth Wagner moved from Alabama to Chandler, Arizona, in the fall of 2020, they were not able to vote in the presidential election. “We actually haven’t been able to vote in several years due to moving from state to state for our work,” Stephen said recently.…

Nefertiti's Voter ID Story


Nefertiti Helem and her partner, Ernest Barksdale, moved to Milwaukee from Chicago in 2013. Until VoteRiders and Citizen Action organizers visited their apartment complex for low-income seniors and people with disabilities, they didn’t realize that their Social Security cards or their Illinois IDs would not be valid for voting. Neither…

Voter ID Story: Laura in Georgia


Laura was staying at a women’s shelter in Columbus, Georgia when VoteRiders met her at our inaugural Voter ID Clinic sponsored by Aflac and hosted by Open Door. She needed to obtain a Georgia ID, not only so she could exercise her right to vote, but also to secure employment…

Matt And Jessica’s Voter ID Story

Published: One Wisconsin family's dilemma over voter ID from VoteRiders on Vimeo. Matt and Jessica Hegdahl moved to Wisconsin from Montana a few months before the Spring 2016 primary election. They registered to vote, but when they talked to VoteRiders at a local church, they found out that they could not use their valid…

Voter ID Story: Montrell In Florida


I met Montrell as I was canvassing the streets of Downtown Orlando on a Sunday afternoon with our partner organizations, Bring It Home Florida and Global Shapers. I handed him a flyer and he asked for more information on VoteRiders. After hearing about our voter ID services, Montrell shared that…

Voter ID Story: Carlos in Florida


Carlos reached out to VoteRiders when he relocated to Florida after earthquakes destroyed his home in Puerto Rico.

Voter ID Story: Joan in Florida


Turned away at her polling place because of an expired ID in 2020, Joan Scott turned to VoteRiders recently for help getting an ID so she can vote in upcoming elections. "Freedom of speech is important to me,” Joan said, recalling how she felt when Florida poll workers sent her…

Debra's Voter ID Story


Debra is a lifelong resident of Madison, WI and a lung cancer survivor. She lives in an apartment complex for low-income people with disabilities. She no longer drives, and had let her WI driver’s license expire. Debra didn’t realize that she would not be able to use her expired license…